New Wastewater Treatment Technology – Physicochemical and Biological Combination Technology

Nam Tai International Co., Ltd. began operating its new wastewater treatment process in July 2023.
Wastewater from factories and workshops is collected and directed to the wastewater treatment area. The wastewater flows into the collection basin, where coarse debris is separated from the water flow, and the wastewater is then force-pumped to the equalization basin.
The equalization basin functions to store all wastewater during peak hours, such as shift change times or during high-use periods. It also helps buffer the treatment system from load shocks for both the physicochemical and biological treatment stages.
The physicochemical reaction basin coagulates inorganic and suspended insoluble components in the water to form larger sludge particles that can settle.
The physicochemical sedimentation basin functions to settle and is designed to match the flow rate and characteristics of the wastewater.
After separating the floc from the water flow, the wastewater continues to flow into the biological treatment basin. The floc settles at the bottom and is periodically pumped to the sludge storage tank.
The biological treatment process is divided into two stages. Stage 1 uses anaerobic and anoxic biological treatment, with the arrangement of biological media. The advantage of anaerobic treatment is that it removes organic compounds without requiring much energy and also reduces the load on the aerobic treatment stage. Stage 2 is the aerobic biological treatment process.
After the biological treatment, the wastewater flows into the biological sedimentation basin, where sludge and clear water are separated. The sludge is collected and returned to the anaerobic treatment basin. The clear water passes through the disinfection basin to ensure it meets standards before being discharged.


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